As the 21st century neared its first decade, the world teetered on the brink of profound transformation, orchestrated by the powerful and clandestine coalition known as the Enlightened Nations of Democracy (END).
The architects of END, driven by a vision of a new world order, had set a grim objective in motion—to reduce the global population to under 500 million, a radical decrease that represented a culling of 95% of the human populace.
The Motivation for Mass Reduction
The leaders of END argued that such drastic measures were necessary to ensure sustainability and a higher quality of life for those who remained. They believed that controlling population growth and density could solve many of the world's persistent issues, such as environmental degradation, resource depletion, and social unrest. To the public, their rhetoric was cloaked in the promise of peace, prosperity, and equality, but the underlying truth was far darker.
The Mechanisms of Control
Utilizing the advancements from the Human Genome Project and extensive neuroscientific research into the mapping of the human brain, END's scientists engineered a sophisticated bioweapon under the guise of a global vaccination initiative. This vaccine was touted as a necessary measure against a fabricated, highly virulent virus. In reality, the vaccine contained a human mRNA transfection agent targeting a specific protein that acted as a biological ticking time bomb. This agent was designed to activate at different times in various demographics, creating staggered waves of mortality and morbidity, obscuring the true nature of the vaccine.
Artificial Intelligence and the Hounds of G.O.D
Parallel to this biological stratagem, END's technocrats had perfected a series of artificial intelligence-driven robot dogs, nicknamed the Hounds of G.O.D. These mechanical beasts were designed to patrol and control, capable of identifying and neutralizing individuals who resisted the new world directives. Equipped with the latest in surveillance and combat technology, these robot dogs became the foot soldiers of the impending purge.
Disappearance of Global Leaders
As the deployment of the vaccine and the unleashing of the robot dogs began, key figures within END started to vanish from the public eye. These disappearances were strategic, ensuring that the orchestrators of this global reset were safely ensconced in hidden bunkers and secure facilities, insulated from the chaos they were unleashing. Rumors of their disappearance swirled, but the truth was meticulously shielded by layers of misinformation and digital manipulation.
Culmination and Conflict
This sinister plot, however, did not go unnoticed. The States Against Democracy (SAD), a coalition of nations and groups that had long suspected the ulterior motives of END, began to piece together the evidence of the global conspiracy. As the effects of the vaccine became apparent and the robotic enforcers roamed the streets, the world realized the horrific reality of the situation. The SAD, fueled by the urgent need to protect humanity from extinction, rallied its forces, sparking the ignition of the SAD END War.
The conflict was not just a battle for territory or resources; it was a desperate fight for the survival of the human species against a well-prepared adversary. The war, marked by its brutality and the high stakes involved, would come to define the era—a stark reminder of the peril when power is wielded without accountability and cloaked in the guise of benevolence.