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The SAD END War Prelude II: The Boom and Bust

Updated: Aug 2


"War does not determine who is right — only who is left." — attributed to Bertrand Russell

AI rendering of the Enlightened Nations of Democracy (END)
ChiEves rendering of the Enlightened Nations of Democracy (END)

The Installation of the West END

As the 20th century dawned, the world stood on the precipice of monumental change, driven by the covert ambitions of the Enlightened Nations of Democracy (END). With a secret network firmly entrenched across America, Europe, and Eurasia, the END laid the groundwork for a grand reformation of global order. This period marked the emergence of the Global Operations of Defense (G.O.D.), a clandestine force tasked with military intelligence, surveillance, and propaganda, heralding an era of unparalleled influence and control.

The irony of the END’s mission lay in its timing. Just as the Industrial Revolution and a surge in nationalism reshaped Europe, the END saw an opportunity to steer these forces towards their vision of a new world order. They manipulated these transformative currents, using the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand—a meticulously planned act by Young Bosnia, an END-aligned faction—as the catalyst for the Great War. This conflict not only ravaged the continent but also dismantled the old empires, creating a vacuum ripe for ideological reconstruction.

Amid the ruins of post-war Europe, the END's influence reached a new height. President Woodrow Wilson, under the sway of the Committee on Public Information—a propaganda tool wielded by G.O.D.—led America into the war, framing it as a fight for democracy. Yet, behind this noble facade, the END orchestrated the chaos, ensuring that the conflict and subsequent treaties, particularly the Treaty of Versailles, sowed the seeds of future unrest and laid the groundwork for their version of democratic governance.

The irony thickened in the interwar period as totalitarian regimes in Italy, Germany, and the Soviet Union rose to challenge the very democratic ideals the END claimed to champion. These regimes, in their defiance, became the new targets of the END’s covert operations. Through espionage, propaganda, and direct support for resistance movements, the END sought to destabilize these authoritarian forces, all while publicly promoting a narrative of peace and unity.

With the onset of World War II, the END intensified their efforts, infiltrating Axis powers and manipulating nationalist movements. The war’s conclusion left Europe divided, with a democratic West and a communist East, setting the stage for the Cold War. The END, viewing communism as another form of tyranny, redoubled their efforts to spread democracy, using G.O.D to execute a complex strategy of psychological warfare and cultural manipulation.

As the Soviet Union crumbled, it appeared the END’s democratic vision had prevailed. Yet, beneath the surface, their influence had morphed into something far more insidious. The END’s methods, once framed as the spread of democratic ideals, increasingly resembled tools of control. The manipulation of media, arts, history, and science under a narrative of WOKE (willful observations of knowledge erosion) conformity stifled dissent and homogenized thought, ironically eroding the very freedoms democracy was meant to protect.

In the twilight of the 20th century, the utopian dream presented by the END revealed itself as a dystopian reality. The global narrative they had crafted, initially filled with promises of liberty and equality, had become a vehicle for suppression and dominance. The world, now a stage for the END’s orchestrations, found itself grappling with a new form of tyranny—one that cloaked itself in the guise of freedom and progress.

Thus, the legacy of the END emerged as a stark reminder of the perils of unchecked power. The question remained: was the END a beacon of enlightenment or an omen of a new age of subtle, yet pervasive tyranny? The answer lay hidden in the shadowy intricacies of their operations, painting a somber picture of a future where the cost of an illusory peace was the very essence of freedom and diversity that defines human existence.

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