“Every man has his secret sorrows which the world knows not; and often times we call a man cold when he is only sad.”
―Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

The Beginning of the END
As the 21st century unfolded, the world stood at a crossroads, grappling with the concept of globalization. The prevailing two-party system, once a symbol of democratic choice, echoed across sovereign lands, fraying the unique differences in perspective and opinion that had thrived for centuries. This ideological divide was not merely a matter of domestic policy but a global strategy orchestrated by the Enlightened Nations of Democracy, known ominously as the END.
At first, the END's efforts seemed benign, even noble. They advocated for eradicating poverty, inequality, and discrimination, using their influence to bring about sweeping social and political changes. But as their power grew, so too did their reach, and their methods became more insidious.
Whispering promises of global dominance into the ears of world leaders, the END championed the great American experiment as a symbol of successful governance, a model for a united world under their vision of democracy, an elitist stakeholder democracy.
The freedom to elect a representative does not mean the representative will elect to represent you. Given a choice between two products that are sold by the same manufacturer and have the same ingredients but different packaging, is not freedom of choice, it is "stealth branding". - SU
The Dissenting State Against Democracy
Not every nation was seduced by the END's promise of a global utopia. Many saw through the propaganda and recognized the sinister intentions behind their campaign. To many, the END’s propagation of democracy was a facade, a justification for global aggression in pursuit of resources and hegemony. They saw the END's vision as a thinly veiled attempt to impose their will upon the world, undermining the sovereignty of nations and their right to self-determination. They knew that the END would stop at nothing to achieve their goals and that the fate of their nations and cultures hung in the balance.
As the world watched, the END continued to manipulate and coerce nations into their fold, using every tool at their disposal to exert their influence. They poured vast resources into propaganda campaigns and bribed and blackmailed leaders. They started wars between dissenting and impoverished countries with resources, whispering in the ears of diplomats and media sources, stirring up spiritual warfare in the name of a different God. But God would never ask people to war in his name.
The END would start the wars, arm both sides and bring peacekeepers under the watchful eye of the Global Operations of Defense (G.O.D), not to keep the peace but to watch and ensure there would be genocide. Then they would swoop in with aid for the surviving population and take over the lands while burying the memory of the nation's culture within the rubble.
Resistance to the END grew. People of dissenting and war-torn nations saw the truth firsthand. They knew that the only way to stop the END's march towards global domination was to unite and fight back, to defend their sovereignty and their cultural identities against the forces of oppression.
A coalition of nations formed the State Against Democracy (SAD). This diverse group of nations shared a common goal: to preserve their sovereignty against the END's progress toward global governance.
The SAD was not against democracy; they were against what democracy required to maintain their prosperity. In a democracy, votes and politicians are bought with the resources of the most impoverished. They preach about human rights and preserving the environment while they rape the people and land.
Nor did the SAD seek to establish a dystopia but rather to protect their nations from the END's suffocating grip on power and destruction of their land. These nations were on the other side of the END's economic exploitation and political oppression. In order for the END to fulfill promises of prosperity for all, they had to exploit impoverished countries with resources to give to the nations that vowed their allegiance.
As the world watched, the SAD began to organize a counter-movement, mobilizing their citizens and resources to challenge the END's authority. They launched a series of campaigns exposing the truth behind the END's intentions to rally support for their cause.
The END retaliated with a barrage of propaganda, portraying the SAD as a group of terrorist nations too fundamental to embrace progressivism.
The END attacked their spirit, their religion, and their God and made them out to be barbaric savages. Counter-attack after counter-attack, the information war was launched.
The stage was set for the SAD END War, with the world's fate hanging in the balance, but it was a long game, and there would be a Cold War of Digital Information full of propaganda, mass surveillance, and data gathering, populations they had amassed.
The END believed that their vision of democracy and global governance was the only way to ensure peace, and their own prosperity, while the SAD saw it as a threat to their sovereignty and way of life.
The All-Seeing G.O.D
The END's aspirations were carried out by the G.O.D, a shadowy entity that became the all-seeing eye and driving force of this new world order.
The G.O.D was a clandestine collective of intelligence and defense factions that accumulated with every nation the END absorbed. It was also the largest organized crime syndicate in history. G.O.D had no boundaries and eyes and ears in every corner of the world, but no one ever saw them. They had many names, but God was not one of them.
With its unparalleled control over the flow of information, the G.O.D had mastered the art of population control, manipulating the masses through media, education, and intelligence. The Global Network (GNET) served as the stage for their governance orchestration, a vast web of surveillance and behavioral modification that reached every corner of society.
GNET gave the G.O.D the power of the all-seeing eye. And, through the G.O.D, the END controlled the flow of information, shaping public opinion and suppressing dissenting voices. They infiltrated every level of government, using their influence to bend policy to their will.
They established a network of mind-control and reeducation internment camps where they could mold the minds of the masses to conform to their vision of a new and better world.
But the price of this supposed new world was steep. Personal freedoms would be curtailed, creativity stifled, and individuality eradicated. The END's grip on society would tighten, and the world would become a prison, with the G.O.D as the all-powerful gatekeeper.