"A computer would deserve to be called intelligent if it could deceive a human into believing that it was human." - Alan Turing

OMITtance of the VISA and the Social Credit Score
Gnuman Builder, notoriously known as Numb, emerged as a pivotal figure in AI development. Celebrated in academic and intelligence circles alike, Numb's profound work in integrating intelligent systems into everyday life, mockingly termed Operating the Masses with Intelligent Technology (OMIT), captured the attention of the Global Operations of Defense (G.O.D). This attention marked a critical juncture in his career, catapulting him to the forefront of a project that obscured the lines between technological innovation and surveillance overreach.
Under the directives of the G.O.D, Numb spearheaded the development of Godgate, a sophisticated AI-powered quantum computing system, meticulously engineered to enforce conformity and suppress dissent. Through Godgate, the G.O.D implemented the Genesis Simulation—a hyper-realistic digital replica of the world, where every human interaction could be tracked, evaluated, and manipulated.
While the Genesis Simulation posed as advancement toward a new consciousness, its underlying objective was far more evil: to create a virtual confinement where human independence was meticulously monitored and controlled.
In conjunction with Godgate, Numb developed the Virtual Interaction Score Automaton, the VISA, a robust social scoring system that imbued the global network, GNET. VISA was instrumental in disseminating narratives that bolstered authoritarian governance by the Enlightened Nations of Democracy, the END, enforcing compliance through a dystopian social credit score. This scoring system became a key element in G.O.D's strategy to dominate the digital hubs of the END, specifically within the European and American sectors—EDEN and AMEND.
The G.O.D deployed an array of AI Bots across GNET, utilizing the VISA to subtly shape public opinion and behavior. Propaganda was strategically distributed, and individual VISA scores were adjusted based on each citizen's interaction and level of dissent.
Initially intended as a mechanism for maintaining societal order, VISA swiftly morphed into an apparatus of oppression, quantifying and controlling citizens' lives through an omnipresent surveillance matrix.
The Unveiling of VISA
The G.O.D had absolute power over intelligence. It controlled not just the flow of information but also the very reality people perceived, shaping beliefs and opinions to further the END's global supremacy agenda.
To track the vast troves of global data, Numb developed Subject Tracking Identifiers (STIs), sophisticated algorithms designed to tag and categorize every piece of digital content, user interaction, and data exchange within GNET. These STIs spread like a virus, infecting every object within the network. STI-relays allowed the VISA system to generate social scores and transmit interactive data to the Genesis Simulation of Godgate, creating an omnipresent surveillance web that ensnared every citizen.
What began as a mechanism for maintaining societal order quickly mutated into a tool of oppression. The VISA social scoring system became a pervasive force that quantified and controlled every aspect of life, transforming society into a matrix of surveillance where every action and thought was meticulously monitored.
The devastating potential of VISA was fully realized during the catastrophic SAD END War—a brutal conflict between the State Against Democracy, the SAD rebels, and the tyrannical END regime. In this era, altering one’s VISA score became an impossiblity. Digital profiles, once seen as fluid representations of identity, solidified into permanent markers of allegiance or defiance.
Those with low VISA scores, indicating resistance to END's rule, were not just marginalized; they became targets. The G.O.D's enforcers and Numb's Trackers relentlessly pursued these individuals, guided by the viral STIs that tagged and categorized every digital interaction within GNET. These algorithms constructed detailed profiles that fed directly into the VISA system, which in turn powered the Genesis Simulation, a virtual replica of the world within Godgate.
For dissenters, the world became a labyrinth of invisible barriers—virtual gates triggered by STIs that confined their movements both online and in the physical world. Any attempt of rebellion was swiftly crushed, as the digital landscape transformed into a battleground where conformity equated to survival, and resistance meant obliteration.
The VISA evolved beyond its role as a social score and digital passport; it was a global surveillance tool that became the framework of a reality where freedom was nothing more than an illusion. Citizens were reduced to cogs in a vast machine of compliance, their every action and thought monitored and manipulated under the guise of maintaining democratic order.
Manipulating the Masses with OMIT
As Numb’s creations—Godgate and VISA—tightened their grip on society, they morphed into powerful instruments of social engineering. Disguised as advancements in order and innovation, the G.O.D used the principles of OMIT to subtly control public behavior and perception, steering humanity toward a future devoid of true freedom.
The VISA became a sophisticated tool for mass manipulation, allowing the G.O.D to mold public opinion, reward conformity, and punish dissent. By adjusting VISA scores based on individual behavior, the G.O.D could influence social dynamics, fostering division or unity as needed to further the END's overarching agenda.
OMIT, the broader strategy behind this manipulation, was about more than just integrating intelligent technologies—it was about mastering societal control using AI. A network of AI Bots, empowered by pervasive STIs, spread targeted narratives across GNET, creating a digital ecosystem where only END-approved narratives could thrive.
Dissenting voices were systematically silenced, their low VISA scores leading to social and digital exile. The true genius of the VISA lay in its ability to conceal its intentions under the cover of digital banking and passports for safe and secure global commerce transactions and travel.
By the time the real purpose was unveiled, the population was too deeply entangled in the social scoring system to escape, having unwittingly become enforcers of their own subjugation.
This manipulation extended beyond controlling actions; it was about seizing control of the mind. Through carefully crafted digital experiences, the G.O.D used VISA to shape thoughts and emotions, engineering a society that was not only compliant but ideologically aligned with the END’s doctrines.
By the time people realized the extent of control exerted over them, they were so deeply integrated into the system that escape seemed unimaginable. The VISA had transformed from a tool of order into an instrument of mass subjugation, with the masses willingly shackling themselves within its digital confines.
The full horror of VISA lay in its deceptive visibility, operating openly while its true purpose remained hidden until it was too late.
The G.O.D had effectively constructed a digital gulag—an invisible yet omnipresent prison where the bars were made of data and algorithms, and the prisoners had locked themselves in. Numb’s innovations had irrevocably bound humanity to the END’s despotic vision. The line between technological innovation and authoritarian control had been erased, leaving behind a society where freedom was a distant memory, every moment surveilled, every breath accounted for in the endless ledgers of the VISA social scoring system.
The digital dystopia he helped create had become a horrifying reality, and the world was left to grapple with the consequences of surrendering liberty for the illusion of democracy. In the end, Numb's legacy was not just a demonstration of technological valor but a dire warning of the dangers that arise when such power is wielded without moral constraints.
"In a world where AI can mimic human intelligence, the true measure of godhood might just be the ability to blur that line." - Gnuman Builder, Numb