
Science and Teleology
Non Fiction
Teleology refers to the philosophical study or explanation of phenomena by their purposes or goals, rather than by their causes. The concept is often used in various contexts, including philosophy, biology, and theology. In philosophy, it might be applied to argue that the universe has a purpose or direction. In biology, it's seen in the framework of organisms and processes being explained by their end purposes or functions, such as the role of the heart is to pump blood. Aristotle's philosophy is a classical example where teleology plays a central role, proposing that everything in nature has an end, or a "telos," towards which it aims.
Genomics, Neurotechnology, and Demographic Targeting: The Rise of Remote-Controlled Bioweapons
Anti-Aging through Endorphin Activation: The Role of Sports like Surfing and Bodyboarding
Understanding mRNA Vaccines and the Implications of Genetic Modification Technologies
Hidden in Plain Site: How Atrocities Go Unnoticed Due to Comprehension and Relatability Barriers
Eugenics: from Galton to Genetic Engineering
Understanding mRNA Transfer Injections and Their Similarities to Transfection
Color Perception: The Electromagnetic Specturm, Light, Pigments, and Dyes
Unraveling Racism: Beyond race to Social Structures and Power
Hormones and EDCs in Water: Exploring the Possible Link to Gender Dysphoria
A Brief History of Human Experimentation in America
Convergence of AI, Genetic Engineering, and Transhumanism: Ethical and Societal Implications
Making an Illogical Argument Sound logical
Does the internet effect chemosense?
mRNA Vaccines vs. Traditional Vaccines
The Dangers of Releasing Self-Disseminating Vaccines: A Closer Look at the Technology and Risks
The Human Hive Mind: Overcoming Negativity Through Unity and Positive Connectivity