
"In scientific discovery, conspiracy theories often serve as a means to an end, manipulating knowledge to wield control over the unsuspecting." - SU
Teleology is the explanation of phenomena by their purposes rather than their causes, focusing on the "why" behind actions and events. Derived from "telos" (end or purpose), it contrasts with mechanistic causality, emphasizing outcomes over processes. The concept is often used in philosophy, biology, and theology. It might be applied in philosophy to argue that the universe has a purpose or direction. In biology, it's seen in the framework of organisms and processes being explained by their end purposes, or functions, such as the role of the heart is to pump blood. Aristotle's philosophy is a classic example where teleology plays a central role, proposing that everything in nature has a purpose, or a "telos," towards which it aims.
"We know a lot more about what something is not, rather than what that something is!" - SU
Science and Teleology
A collection of essays that connect teleological phillosophy, history, biology, chemistry, and physics, in context of purpose in the digital age.
Theoretical Works and Thought Experiments
Abstracts and thesis statments that come from SU's thought experiments while working with ChiEves
The Three Dimensions of Time, Six Dimensions of Spacetime, and Nine Dimensions of Time-Space-Time Thought Experiment: The Power of 3-6-9
The TDT-SDS-NDT theory came from a time travel thought experiment that asked if time itself has three dimensions, with past, present, and future equally real, and if the universe exists as a nine-dimensional universal record, how would the fundamental framework of relativity and processes governing reality change?
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